Medical Operation Theatre Technology
Operation theatre technicians are a fundamental part of the operation unit working With surgeons, anesthesia and theatre nurses to ensure that every single procedure is as safe and successful as probable. The successful outcome of surgical process relies not only on the expertise of attending doctors and nurses but also on technical capacity, level headedness and alertness of OTT.
DPMG in addition to core clinical skills and a sound knowledge of specialist equipment and drugs provides the students with the ability to reassure and support patient emotionally through the stressful experience of surgery.
Medical X-ray Technology
Medical X-ray Technology also called Radio-imaging technology. Radiography is concerned with operating radio imaging machines such as X-ray and interpreting results. It also involves treatment of cancers and turnors with radiation. There are lot of job opportunities for radiographers inside India as well as internationally. Radiographers are required in large numbers in nursing homes, hospitals, diagnostic centers and super specialty hospitals. Self-employment opportunities are also available in this field.
DPMG offers highly sophisticated equipment’s, experienced and talented educators, world-class laboratories to ensure comprehensive teaching with safe environment.
Medical Laboratory Technology
Medical Laboratory Technology also called clinical laboratory science is an allied health profession which is concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases through the use of clinical laboratory tests. This course offers challenging career in a hospital, minor emergency centers, private laboratory, blood donor centers, doctor’s office or clinics.
DPMG provides an adequate number of well-equipped laboratories with modern equipment’s. The training starts under guidance of highly qualified professionals with modern techniques.
Dental Assistant
A dental assistant is a dental health professional who works closely with and under the supervision of a dentist. They work with patients by performing tasks before and after the dentist meets with the patient as well as assist the dentist during certain dental procedures. The duties of a dental assistant are among the most comprehensive and varied in the dental office. The dental assistant performs many tasks requiring both interpersonal and technical skills. Although state regulations vary, responsibilities may include:-
- Assisting the dentist during a variety of treatment procedures.
- Taking and developing dental radiographs (X-rays)
- Serving as an infection control officer, developing infection control protocol and preparing and sterilizing instrument and equipment
- Providing patients with instructions for oral care following surgery or other dental treatment procedure, such as the placement of a restoration (filling).
- Taking impressions of patient’s teeth for study casts (models of teeth)
- Helping to provide direct patient care in all dental specialties, including orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, periodontics and oral surgery.
Physiotherapy Assistant
Physiotherapy assistants work with registered physiotherapists in their day-to-day work. They help patients to follow exercise and treatment programme set out by the physiotherapist. This could involve showing them how to use mobility aids, setting up equipment and working on exercises with them. Assistants might also keep records and write short progress reports. Staff working in more senior physiotherapy support roles often work at assistant practitioner level, and will undertake more advanced work.
Medical Ophthalmic Assistant
Ophthalmic assistants help ophthalmologists care for patients by taking histories, performing various procedures and tests, and preparing patients to see the doctor. Ophthalmic assistants enjoy virtually unlimited job opportunities nationwide and internationally because of their specialized skills.
DPMG helps students to acquire skills in health sciences and let them have the opportunity to practice their skills in a clinical setting.
Alternative Medicine Course
Correspondence/on experience base (Direct examination award)
Alternative medicines means any form of medicine that is outside the mainstream of western medicine. There are more than 100 system of Alternative medicines which are still in practice all over the world. Same of the very popular system are herbal medicine, Acupressure, Magneto therapy. Bach flower remedies, Gemse Telepathy etc. After decades of serious obsession with modern medicine, recently there has been a boom in various systems of alternative medicines & more & more people in general & patients in particular are opting for these traditional diseases. One of the most important reasons for this renewed interest is the increasing side this renewed interest is the increasing side effects be spiraling cost of western medicines.
Community Medical Service & Essential Drugs
First aid course in Allopathic medicine
The health problems in India in general and in particular are mainly based on there related to nutrition, environment and awareness. The health service emphasis has not yet been bid on the rural areas as it deserves and the curative Bias in still prevailens then the preventive and promotive care. Primary health care is the key approach for achieving. Health for All. At the primary health care level community health workers and other paramedical personnel are playing an important role in the delivery of health care. Although the emphasis is on health promotion and prevention of disease, health workers must learn how to use simple drugs to treat common illnesses and thus gain the confidence of the community. They also need to learn when to refer the patient to a doctor.
Nursing Assistant
Multipurpose Health Worker (Male)
Where ever there is a need for personal care nursing assistance is produced the patient. Nursing assistants are the care givers who, for the most part, help patients of all ages perform the most basic day-to-day tasks. This career choice offers a vast availability of jobs, job growth, and low barrier of entry – training is relatively easy to obtain and takes only a few weeks.
DPMG helps the student to develop their skills and increase confidence level by providing professional in the field.